Describe who you are in 3 sentences:
My name is Kirstine Svartzengren, I was born and raised in Denmark. I’m a spiritual junkie, crystal collector, love traveling and doing yoga. Im passionate about meeting new people around the world, and learn about other cultures.
What is your relation to this city?
I moved to Santa Barbara in January 2012, and I instantly fell in love with the town. I lived in Santa Barbara for 6 years, where I studied my BA in Business Management & marketing, and worked for Becker Studios.
Best experience?
My best experience in Santa Barbara was when I attended Lucidity Festival. Its a 3 day hippie festival, filled yoga meditation, entertainment and good music. Overall its an awakening experience.
Weirdest experience?
I once got pulled over when I was driving. I had two of my American friends in the car. It was my first time getting pulled over, and I remember that I was so scared. The police officer asked me where I was from, and I said Denmark. He instantly started speaking Danish to me, and we bonded! I didn’t get a ticket, plus I will never forget my friends’ faces afterwards lol.
Your top 3 hangout spots?
"Handlebar Coffee", best coffee in town
"Whiskey Richards", for a night out and karaoke
"Butterfly beach"
Favourite restaurants?
"Santo Mezcal" and "Mesa Verde"
Best date place?
"Zaytoon" is a romantic place plus you can smoke hookah while eating lol.
Best Sunday spot?
"The Funk Zone" is always a winner on Sundays. Filled with bars, wineries as well as breweries.
If you were to live in another place,where would that be and why?
I would love to live in another state like New York. But if I was to stay in California, I would love to live in San Francisco for a while. Santa Barbara is a small town, so I often missed the "bigger city environment.”
Where is your escape place from this city?
I love going to Carpenteria or Ojai if I need to escape Santa Barbara for a little. Carpenteria has a nice beach, and Ojai is good for hiking and adventuring.
Best 5 local advices?
1. Get a burrito from "Super Cucas".
2. Try alcoholic kombucha at "Lama Dog" (Funk zone).
3. Farmers market on State Street (every Tuesday and Saturdays)
4. Visit local wineries and breweries such as: "Grassini", "Deep sea", "Topa topa", and "Lama Dog".
5. Go to "Wild Cat" on a Sunday for dancing and a good time.