A Local's Guide to Zaragoza, Spain - This Way

A Local's Guide to Zaragoza, Spain

Describe who you are in 3 sentences:
My name is Izarbe Zumeta, I was born in Zaragoza, Spain in 1998. I love animals. Currently I’m living in Madrid where I am modeling and studying protocol and events management.

What is your relation to this city?
I love this city. It’s where I’ve lived all my life with my family. It’s not a very big city but you can find plenty things here... so you’re never bored. It has also a lot of history. It’s a great place to stay.

Best experience?
It’s very interesting going to the city on 12th of October. During this week we celebrate the “El Pilar” holidays. We wear our traditional dress and give flowers to the virgin of “El Pilar”. (I’m gonna let you a pic so you can imagine). It’s very emotional for all of us even though you’re not a Christian.

Weirdest experience?
I haven’t had any weird experience but I can tell you the weather is extreme. In winter is cold and in summer super hot, but on spring and autumn the weather can change drastically on the same day.

Your top 3 hangout spots?
"Fox", "Doña Hipólita" and "Puerto Venecia".

Favourite restaurants?
One of my favorite restaurants of Zaragoza is "Marengo". I love the food and the price is great. A more fancy one is "Aura", it’s by the river and you have great views of the church of “El Pilar”. And you can’t leave the city without going to “El Calamar Bravo” it’s one of the more typical restaurants of Zaragoza!

Best date place?
El parque grande” which is a beautiful park.

Best Sunday spot?
Going for lunch to “El tubo” where you can find some of the best spanish tapas.

If you were to live in another place, where would that be and why?
Madrid, I’m in love with this city...

Where is your escape place from this city?
My village, Pina de Ebro.

Best 5 local advices?
1. There’s a lot of good food so you better go hungry.
2. You can find a lot of history in this city so open up your eyes.
3. Go with some extra GB on your phone, there’s a lot of special places where you are going to want a picture of it.
4. Be careful with “cierzo”! It’s a very strong and typical wind in Zaragoza.
5. Explore and enjoy my beautiful city!
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